Business Organization & Management

The following Topics are cover in M.Com Entrance Exam under Business Organization & Management

Foundation of Indian Business

Business Enterprises

Introduction of Management



Staffing and Directing


  • Spectrum of Business Activities, Manufacturing and service sectors. India's experience of liberalization and globalization, Technological innovations and skill development. ‘Make in India’ Movement. Social Multinational Corporations and Indian transnational companies.Social responsibility and ethics. Emerging opportunities in business; Franchising, Outsourcing, and E- commerce.

  • Sole Proprietorship, One Person Company, Joint Hindu Family Firm, Partnership firm, Joint Stock Company, Cooperative society; Limited Liability Partnership.Choice of Form of Organisation. Entrepreneurial Process-Idea generation, Feasibility study. Basic considerations in setting up a Business Enterprise.

  • Concept: Need for study; Managerial functions – An overview; Coordination –Essence of management.

  • Evolution of Management Thought: Classical approach –Taylor, Fayol, Neo classical and Human relations approach – Hawthorne experiments, Behavioural approach, Systems approach, Contingency approach, MBO, Re-engineering, Five-force analysis, Learning Organisation, Fortune at the Bottom of Pyramid.

  • Trends and Challenges of Management in Global Scenario, Emerging issues in management.

  • Types of Plan – An overview.
  • Strategic planning – Concept, process, Importance and limitations;Growth strategies – internal and external.
  • Environmental analysis and diagnosis (Internal and external environment) – Definition, Importance and Techniques (SWOT/TOWS/WOTS-UP,BCG Matrix,Competitor Analysis), Business environment -Concept and components.
  • Decision-making – Concept, importance, group decision making, Individual versus group decision making, Decision making process, perfect rationality and bounded rationality, techniques (qualitative and quantitative, MIS, DSS).
  • Concept.
  • Process of organizing – An overview, span of management, different types of authority (line, staff and functional), decentralization, delegation.
  • Formal and informal organization.
  • Principles of organizing.
  • Types of organization structure.
  • Concept of staffing-Recruitment and Selection; Orientation; Training and Development; Career Development; Performance Appraisal.
  • Motivation – Concept, importance, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation; Major motivation theories – Maslow’s need hierarchy theory, Hertzberg’s two factor theory,McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y, Ouchi’s Theory Z.
  • Leadership – Concept, importance; Major theories of leadership (Likert’s scale theory, Blake and Mouton’s Grid theory, House’s path goal theory, Fred Fielder’s situational leadership), Transactional leadership, Transformational leadership, Transforming leadership
  • Communication – Concept, purpose, process; Oral and written communication; Formal and informal communication networks; Barriers to communication, overcoming barriers to communication.
  • Concept, process, limitation, principles of effective control, Major techniques of control – Ratio analysis (ROI), budgetary control, EVA, MVA, PERT, and CPM.

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