Test Paper

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Test Summary

S.No Chapter Name No. of Questions
1 Matrices & Determinants 10
2 Linear Programming 13
3 Functions, Limits & Continuity
4 Differentiation
5 Partial Differentiation
6 Integration
7 Mathematics of Finance
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Unit wise Test Schedule

There are Total 9 Unit Test will be conducted for Corporate Accounting

Test No.  Chapter No. & Chapter Name
 1 Chapter 1 – Issue, Forfeited and Reissue of Shares 
2 Chapter 2 & 3 – Redemption of Preference Shares & Buy – Back of Equity Shares
3 Chapter 4 & 5 – Issue of Debentures & Redemption of Debentures
4 Chapter 6 – Final Accounts of Companies
5 Chapter 7 & 8 –  Accounting for Amalgamation & Internal Reconstruction
6 Chapter 9 & 10 – Holding Companies and Valuation of Shares & Intangible Assets
7 Chapter 11 – Ratio Analysis
8 Chapter 12 & 13 – Cash Flow Statement & Financial Statement  Analysis
Mock Test for whole Corporate Accounting 
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S. No Chapter No. of Questions
1 Demand
2 Elasticity of Demand
3 Supply & Elasticity of Supply
4 Indifference Curve Analysis
5 Production Function
6 Theory of Cost
7 Forms of Market
8 Marginal Productivity, Factor Pricing & General Equilibrium
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S. No. Chapter Question No.
1 National Income Accounting
2 Determination of Equilibrium Level of Income & Employment
3 Money & Banking
4 IS & LM Analysis
5 Open Economy
6 Inflation. Unemployment and AD & AS Model
7 Problems of Indian Economy
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S. No Chapter No. of Questions
1 Data : Types, Collection & Analysis
2 Measures of Central Tendency
3 Measures of dispersion
4 Moments, Skewness and Kurtosis
5 Probability Concepts
6 Probability Distributions
7 Decision Theory
8 Sampling Theory
9 Correlation & Regression
10 Index Numbers
11 Time Series
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Unit wise Test Schedule & Mock Test

There are Total 8 Unit Test will be conducted for Cost & Management Accounting

Test No.  Chapter Name  No. of Questions
1 Chapter 1 : Fundamentals of Cost Accounting
2 Chapter 2 : Material & Chapter 3 : Labour
3 Chapter 4 : Overhead
4 Chapter 5 : Types & Methods of Costing
5 Chapter 6 : Budgetary Control & Chapter 7 : Profit Volume Analysis
6 Chapter 8 : Absorption Costing Vs. Variable Costing & Chapter 9 : Decision Making
7 Chapter 10 : Standard Costing & Chapter 11 : Responsibility Accounting
8 Mock Test for whole Cost & Management Accounting 
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Corporate Accounting – Mock Test 2020 : Click Here
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